We provide seed funding to promising activists, artists, and social entrepreneurs to develop a plan for the long term. The fellowship program empowers individuals and collectives to kick-start an organisation, scale up their careers, or develop a cultural or political initiative.
We provide access to micro-funding at the early stage of the development of an idea. We are looking for individuals and collectives wishing to foster a long-term change in their locality by, for instance, setting up new institutions, opening a public space, permanently scaling up their work, achieving a career change, or any other action that sustainably impacts reality beyond the short-term duration of a project.
The fellowship program is currently focused on achieving an impact in the city of Palermo and the wider Sicilian context. We additionally may provide fellowships to international organisations working in a long-term, structured partnership with Fondazione Studio Rizoma.
Fellows conduct their work independently and are selected following an interview process aimed at defining their project. Throughout the fellowship, we actively accompany our fellows in the realisation of the supported initiative, whether that is by investing our staff time, creating connections that lead to other funding, or developing joint programming. Fellows are invited to take up a role in the activities of Fondazione Studio Rizoma and will often contribute to defining the long-term vision and program of the organisation.
Fellows may be individual or organisational and receive a grant of between 5.000, 10.000 or more annually, depending on circumstances.
Individual fellowships normally last up to one year and aim to empower the achievement of transformative goals in the professional life of a person. Organisational fellowships are grants offered to collectives, start-ups, or other organisations. They may last up to two years.
Fellows are generally coopted, no open call is issued. You can, however, contact us via email to express interest and share your work or project idea.