We provide seed funding to promising activists, artists, and social entrepreneurs to develop a plan for the long term. The fellowship program empowers individuals and collectives to kick-start an organisation, scale up their careers, or develop a cultural or political initiative.

We provide access to micro-funding at the early stage of the development of an idea. We are looking for individuals and collectives wishing to foster a long-term change in their locality by, for instance, setting up new institutions, opening a public space, permanently scaling up their work, achieving a career change, or any other action that sustainably impacts reality beyond the short-term duration of a project.

The fellowship program is currently focused on achieving an impact in the city of Palermo and the wider Sicilian context. We additionally may provide fellowships to international organisations working in a long-term, structured partnership with Fondazione Studio Rizoma.

Fellows conduct their work independently and are selected following an interview process aimed at defining their project. Throughout the fellowship, we actively accompany our fellows in the realisation of the supported initiative, whether that is by investing our staff time, creating connections that lead to other funding, or developing joint programming. Fellows are invited to take up a role in the activities of Fondazione Studio Rizoma and will often contribute to defining the long-term vision and program of the organisation.
Fellows may be individual or organisational and receive a grant of 10.000,- or more annually, depending on circumstances.
Individual fellowships normally last up to one year and aim to empower the achievement of transformative goals in the professional life of a person. Organisational fellowships are grants offered to collectives, start-ups, or other organisations. They may last up to two years.

Fellows are generally coopted, no open call is issued. You can, however, contact us via email to express interest and share your work or project idea.

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Current and past fellows

Circolo ARCI Porco Rosso

2024—Circolo ARCI

Circolo ARCI Porco Rosso

2024—Circolo ARCI

Circolo Arci Porco Rosso, located in Piazza Casa Professa, in the historic market district of Ballarò in Palermo, is a collective laboratory of anti-fascist and anti-racist ideas and political practices.

Since 2016, the cultural and recreational actions, open to all and sundry, have been coordinated with the Sportello Sans Papiers, a territorial listening desk aimed at supporting people – foreigners and non-foreigners – in their legal and sociocultural journey towards the full enjoyment of their rights.

Since February 2020, the Red Pig Feminist Assembly* was born within the circle, which, through feminist practices and thought, enriches the struggle against all systems of domination.

Sociopolitical engagement and cooperation with other territorial realities – including also the Palermo Anti-Racist Forum and “SOS Ballarò” – has also helped in the creation of the Sbaratto network, the association aimed at the management of the Albergheria free trade area.

Our space is home and meeting point for local associations and collectives who ask for its hospitality and who, with their presence and activism, participate in the exchange of ideas and common political practices. The ARCI Porco Rosso is an important node in constant evolution; we believe in the importance of networking and are committed to the creation of communities of trust and political struggle for the defense of the human rights of all people.





CORRENTE is a collective born in Palermo in 2023 from the meeting of 10 young filmmakers united by the desire to rekindle the lights of a cinema that had been turned off for forty years in the Ballarò district, the former Edison cinema. At a time when cinemas are closing one after the other, we feel the urgency to reaffirm the fundamental role of cinema within a community. At the heart of our project stands the organisation of free independent film festivals, with a focus on the cinema of reality.

Fuori Orario Production

2023—Earth Day Festival

Fuori Orario Production

2023—Earth Day Festival

Earth Day is the largest environmental event on the planet, the only time when all the world’s citizens come together to celebrate the Earth and promote its preservation. Earth Day, a moment strongly desired by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and promoted even earlier by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, involves up to one billion people in as many as 192 countries around the world each year.

Main themes are the pollution of air, water, and soil, the destruction of ecosystems, the thousands of disappearing plants and animal species, and the depletion of nonrenewable resources. There is an insistence on solutions to eliminate the negative effects of human activities; these solutions include recycling materials, conserving natural resources such as oil and fossil gases, banning the use of harmful chemicals, stopping the destruction of key habitats such as wet forests, and protecting endangered species.

In Palermo, under the patronage of the Municipality and Earth Day Italia (the national supervisory and coordinating body for the various events in the country) the first edition of Earth Day Palermo festival was born in 2013 under the direction of Patrizia Pozzo (Fondazione Studio Rizoma) and Simona Gazziano (Fuori Orario Production) when especially in the south of Italy few people were talking about the Environment and certain themes were totally out of the Sicilian public debate. With a precise format, which has always alternated moments of debate and more serious discussion with playful moments and workshops, the festival has grown year by year in terms of topics addressed, international guests, number of participants and audience until it has become an expected event for the city of Palermo. Many collaborations , to name but a few: Regional Department of Health, Regional Department of Environment and Territory, Regional Department of Tourism, Ars, University of Palermo, Gesap, Amap, Rap, Banca Etica, Coop, Comieco, Greenpeace, LegAmbiente, Coop Sicilia, Stop Global Warming; Amnesty International; Green Italia; Green Renaissance; Green New Deal for Europe; National Geographic, Legambiente; Mare Vivo; Extintion Rebellion; Ecomuseo del Mare.


2022—Music Festival


2022—Music Festival

Wallofsounds is an international festival of contemporary music and arts conceived, organised and directed by Gaetano La Rosa with the intention of enhancing the city’s monumental heritage with music events, ranging from experimental to contemporary classical, from sound art to radical improvisation, inviting leading players from the international music scene. In the first edition, we presented, among other things, the world premiere of The Mayfield – from a project by and with Heiner Goebbels, as part of Transeuropa Festival/BAM – Biennale Arcipelago del Mediterraneo (BAM), one of the greatest artists, composers and directors of contemporary music theatre.

Mattia Capelletti

2023—Researcher and curator, Italy

Mattia Capelletti

2023—Researcher and curator, Italy

Mattia Capelletti is a doctoral student in Sciences of Culture at the University of Palermo, writer and independent curator based in Torino. Interested in sound and the human voice, he has investigated its aesthetics, politics and technologies across theory and different artistic disciplines. More recently his research has focused on the voice as a site of surveillance and the emerging artistic strategies of resistance, as part of his PhD and through a series of curatorial projects. With collaboration at the core of his practice, he is involved in projects such as: Idioletta (with artist Costanza Candeloro), a project aimed at fostering “borderline” literature and orality; Black Med, a platform for the traveling of sounds across Mediterannean borders initiated by Invernomuto, for which he acts as author and researcher; and Palm Wine, a website dedicated to post-global sound cultures he co-edits along with Simone Bertuzzi. His most recent writing has appeared in Flash Art, Il Tascabile, and Black Med, an anthology curated by Invernomuto and published by Humboldt in 2021.

Aterraterra LAB

22/23—Agriculture Lab, Italy

Aterraterra LAB

22/23—Agriculture Lab, Italy

Aterraterra Lab is the base of Aterraterra (Fabio Aranzulla and Luca Cinquemani), a project that intersects agriculture, art and activism. In their garden in Palermo, they harvest wild food plants, flowers, medicinal and aromatic herbs and ancient, rare vegetables. Their interspecies and intercultural dialogue, in which all parameters are continually reassessed and negotiated between all the involved, flows seamlessly into dismantling neo-coloniality, industrialisation and dominant discourses through the research of plant and culinary histories and collaborations that bring marginality to the centre. Examples of this are the collective’s research work around the Ethiopian red aubergine (Solanum aethiopicum) in Italy, known only as the red aubergine of Rotonda (often ignoring the reasons for its arrival in Italy, linked to colonialism); or on the ancient grains that are so much celebrated today and which are not so ancient but largely created during the fascist era. A network of artists, activists, agricultural cooperatives, agricultural labourers, cultural associations, cooks, researchers, scientists, etc., both Italian and international, has formed around Aterraterra and the Aterraterra Lab programme.

Irene Coppola

2022—Artist, Italy

Irene Coppola

2022—Artist, Italy

Irene Coppola was born in Palermo in 1991. An artist based in Palermo and Milan, she is part of the Room to Bloom platform. After completing her academic studies at NABA in Milan and the Willem De Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, she participated in national and international exhibitions and projects, including: AndAndAnd for Documenta13 in Kassel, the Do Disturb festival at the Palais De Tokyo in Paris, Dolomiti Contemporanee in Pieve di Cadore, Flight Sketches at the Cercle Cité in Luxembourg, Hanging Garden at the Office Project Room in Milan, Badly Buried at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Guarene, and La Natura e la Preda at PAV in Turin. In 2019 she won the sixth edition of the Italian Council for the artistic residency project La Wayaka Current Tropic 08°N based in the indigenous community of Guna Yala (Panama). In 2020, she is among the artists selected for Cantica21. Italian Contemporary Art Everywhere, a public commissioning project promoted by the General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture. The work produced was hosted at the Italian Institute of Culture in Dakar, where the artist realised a new residency project, part of the collateral events of the Dak’Art 2022 Biennial.

Articles from our fellows

4 Setembro 2024


23 Julho 2024

Marta Cillero Manzano in conversation with CORRENTE

14 Junho 2023

To water with stones

26 Maio 2023

Diana Lola Posani in Conversation with Mattia Capelletti

25 Maio 2023

“Mia nonna mi ha detto che dopo la seconda guerra mondiale hanno buttato molte cose a mare, soprattutto case…”

6 Fevereiro 2023

Francesco Cavaliere in conversation with Studio Rizoma

30 Novembro 2022

Aterraterra: Making new forms of life visible

25 Novembro 2022

Aterraterra: Solanum Aethiopicum

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