We, Studio Rizoma would like to be completely transparent on why we need the personal details we request when you support us and how we will use them.

Studio Rizoma is an association with legal addresses at VIA MARIO RUTELLI 38 90143 Palermo (PA) Cod. Fisc. 91344240378. 

 The data processing in connection with the use of our website serves us to enable you to use the website technically. We understand data protection as part of our commitment to a participatory and inclusive society.

The following Privacy Policy provides information on how we may collect, retain, process, share, store otherwise handle data about you when you visit our Sites. We process your data in compliance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Legislation (hereafter “GDPR”), which came into force on May 25th, 2018.

In order to ensure the highest possible security of your data, we use technical tools which are compliant with the GDPR. Nevertheless, your data on the internet can never be fully protected against access by third parties, for example, your emails sent to us may contain security vulnerabilities. We recommend you to use the necessary technical tools to protect your privacy online.

As mentioned above, we must however collect personal data (see details under “When and why do we collect your data”) to enable you to use our Sites and associated services. You have the option not to disclose or provide us incomplete data to use the Sites. However, we might not be able to provide you with the Sites and associated services, in full or not at all.


Only Studio Rizoma employees who are entrusted with the technical administration, maintenance and further development of the Sites, have access to your personal data. In the event that you request information about your data in writing or by email, the Studio Rizoma employees having the responsibility of providing this information may access your data. Studio Rizoma employees will not, under any circumstances, share your data with anyone for any purpose and you will not receive offers from other companies or organisations as a result of giving your details to Studio Rizoma.

Since  Studio Rizoma also uses external service providers for hosting and the maintenance of its IT systems, these could also gain access to your personal data as part of their activities.

Finally, employees of the social networks whose plugins we have included on our website (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr, Instagram, see below) can also gain access to your personal data.


We collect information when you:

  • sign up for our newsletter 
  • interact with our Sites: our website and our social media accounts.

Newsletter and members updates

We are using the services of Mailchimp to provide you with our newsletters updates: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/ 

Purpose for data collection: Sending you regular information about Studio and its actions

Legal basis: Consent. Consent means offering you real choice and control.

How do we collect your data for sending you newsletter

When you subscribe to our newsletter via our dedicated form, we collect:

  • first name
  • last name
  • email address
  • consent to receive the newsletter

When you subscribe to our newsletter through a printed form (for example, at an event we are organising), we will ask the same data as requested online

If you request to receive no further contact from us, at any stage, our emails already contain a link to end immediately your subscriptions to the newsletter and/or to members updates. When you unsubscribe, we will keep your first name, last name, email address (and in the case of member updates, your country and city) up to 5 years to in order to avoid sending you unwanted materials in the future.

To permanently request the deletion of your data, please send an e-mail to info@studiorizoma.org . The deletion of your data or the unsubscription to updates lead to the cancellation of your membership. You have the right to access, rectify or erase your processed personal data. Unless you unsubscribe from our newsletter, or erase your data, we keep your information for as long as we need to send you our newsletter and/or member updates.


Purpose for data collection: Improving the performance of our website

Legal basis: Consent. Consent means offering you real choice and control.

We use “cookies” help us improve the performance of our website.  Cookies are small text files that websites store on the hard disk of your computer (or phone or tablet). They save and store information about how to make it easier for you to use the website or obtain information about your usage behaviour.

We use:

  • cookies that only exist for the duration of your visit to the website.
  • cookies that remain on your computer for the duration of your visit to our website in order to recognize you the next time you visit our website.
  • cookies to anonymously determine how many users visit the website and how often

We do not pass on the information obtained in this way to third parties and do not link it to personal data. In particular, we do not use cookies to analyse your online behaviour.


Purpose for data collection: Providing you services through our website such as sharing information

We use social plugins from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram and Add-to-Any on our website. Plugins are optional software extensions. Social plugins are plug-ins of social networks built into a website. When you visit our website, your browser will connect to the social networking servers. The contents of the social plugins are sent to your browser by the social networks and integrated into the website. The use of the social plugins is optional. You do not have to be a member of the respective social network.

The function you can click on is “share”. What happens exactly when you click on “share” depends partly on whether you are logged in to the respective social network. If you are logged in, clicking on the social plugin will cause a message to appear on your profile. But even if you are not logged in, your data may still be collected, e. g. your IP address.

In order to learn to what purpose and to what extent Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram and Add-to-Any collect your data, how they process and use it, as well as what rights and technical possibilities you have to protect your data, please refer to the data protection declarations of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram and Add-to-Any.


Contact: Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

Privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation


Contact: Twitter, 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

Website: https://twitter.com/en/privacy


Contact: Youtube, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, California, United States.

Privacy policy: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/

Flickr, belonging to Yahoo! Inc.

Contact: Flickr, 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA

Privacy policy: https://policies.yahoo.com/privacy/flickr/


Contact: Instagram, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

Privacy policy: https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388


Privacy policy: https://www.addtoany.com/privacy

Web analytics

We use Google Analytics to statistically evaluate visitors’ accesses. For this, a cookie is stored on your computer. Your log data will be stored on our own server in Germany.

To run our online newsletter, we also use the software NationBuilder which can trace the use of the links in the newsletter by its subscribers (see also below in “Online Newsletter”).


As far as we process personal data concerning you, you are a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR and can assert the following rights against us.

We ask for your understanding that, for reasons of clarity, we have largely refrained from presenting the conditions and content of your rights here in all details. Please refer to the provisions of the GDPR (Articles 12-23), which we have sometimes quoted in brackets below.

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@studiorizoma.org . You can also view our contact details on our website.


You can ask us to confirm whether we process personal data concerning you. If this is the case, you can request information from us about this data and certain related information (Article 15 GDPR).


If the personal data we process concerning you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can request us to rectify or complete this data without undue delay (Article 17 GDPR). Your right to rectification may be limited to the extent that it is likely to render impossible or seriously prejudicial to the achievement of our research or statistical purposes and the limitation is necessary for the fulfilment of the research or statistical purposes.


Under certain conditions (Article 17 GDPR), you have the right to obtain from us the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay. Your right to erasure may be limited to the extent that it is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of our research or statistical purposes in the public interest.


Under certain conditions (Article 18 GDPR), you have the right to obtain from us restriction of processing of personal data concerning you. Your right to restriction of processing may be limited to the extent that it is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of our research or statistical purposes.


If you have exercised your right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, we are obliged to notify of this all recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been disclosed (Article 19 GDPR). An exception applies if the notification proves to be impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. You have the right to be informed by us about these recipients.


You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format. Furthermore, under certain conditions (Article 20 GDPR), you have the right to transmit this data to another data controller without hindrance by us. In exercising this right, you also have the right to have the personal data transmitted directly from us to another data controller, where technically technically feasible and where this does not impair the freedoms and rights of other persons.

Your right to data portability does not apply to any processing necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on us.


You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to certain types of processing (Article 21 para. 1 sentence 1 GDPR) of personal data concerning you; this also applies to certain types of profiling (Article 21 para. 1 sentence 1 GDPR).

On grounds relating to your particular situation, you also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for scientific or statistical purposes (Article 89 GDPR). An exception to this applies if the data processing is necessary to achieve a task in the public interest.


You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent at any time. Please note that the processing, which took place on the basis of the consent until withdrawal, is not unlawful due to the withdrawal.


You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing – including profiling – which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly impairs you (Article 22 GDPR). Under certain conditions, this does not apply, for example if you have expressly consented to such processing.


If you think that our processing of your personal data breaches the GDPR, you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State where you are staying, working or where the breach is suspected to have occurred.

You have the right to complain without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedies.

The supervisory authority to which you have lodged your complaint will inform you of the status and results of the complaint and of the possibility of a judicial remedy under Art. 87 GDPR