If you are interested in the work we are doing and would like to participate, you can always send us an e-mail with a short description of who you are and what you do at info@studiorizoma.org. At the moment we are looking for an intern on graphic design and digital communications. More info about the position here.
Se sei interessato al lavoro che stiamo svolgendo e vuoi partecipare, puoi sempre inviarci un'e-mail con una breve descrizione di chi sei e cosa fai a info@studiorizoma.org.
Studio Rizoma boasts an international and diverse team with members coming from different social and artistic organisations, groups and institutions. The team members are responsible for the management and implementation of the work in Studio Rizoma. Our rhizomatic approach embodies a feminist and horizontal working structure.
Design and Visual communication
Admin manager
Curator & Creative director
Institutional relations & PR
Managing director
Project & production manager, music curator
The Advisory Board is empowered to oversee the running of the organisation, set its strategy and approve its work-program. It does so in dialogue with individual members, local groups and our partners through regular meetings to understand the priorities and interests of the organisation.
The Advisory Board includes leading thinkers and artists from throughout Europe and beyond, who advise the organisation on its message, its strategy, on formats of activities, on partners and potential stakeholders.
Since the beginning of our first activities in 2020, at Fondazione Studio Rizoma we have always advanced our work and structure, defining our mission and vision through different experimental actions.
One of the biggest social challenges we address is social exclusion and impoverishment of the local territory linked to precarity in the Mediterranean.
By applying artistic methodologies, research and collective co-creation, we seek to interact with the local territory, including social movements, artistic organisations, researchers, municipal civil representatives and emerging artists that work locally and transversally to have an impact on their communities and improve social justice, sustainability and cultural and ecological richness.
By Impact, we mean the effect that our work has on specific segments of society, but also how it influences different social & governance processes that are in line with our mission and values.
Since 2023, we have put in place a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system with a review of project & programme indicators, development of data collection tools and their adaptation to team needs. The team has also structured its work into thematic streams, with specific objectives which the MEL system monitors.
You can download our annual reports that include strategy and impact of the Foundation here: