Fondazione Studio Rizoma is an international hub advancing an independent cultural and social program while serving the wider development of its surrounding ecosystem, with a focus on the city of Palermo. Rizoma is a founding member of the upcoming European Cultural Hubs Network of Allianz Foundations.

Our work follows three main lines of action.

Fondazione – We act to foster the growth, internationalisation and professionalisation of cultural and social actors in the city of Palermo and the wider region. We do this via our fellowship program, supporting individuals and organisations in their development, via our residency program, welcoming individuals from across the world to Palermo to foster a longer-term engagement with the city, and our training and mentorship programs promoting research and skill transmission. 

Studio – Our team is a cultural and political collective developing an original program rotating around multiannual research interests that we call Nodes. We leverage our geographical position to focus our work on issues of transnationality, postcoloniality, human mobility, the environmental conditions of the Mediterranean region, and the future of globalisation. We have developed a unique methodology combining original artistic productions with the direct engagement of social and political groups, embedding the production process in existing sites of struggle and political imagination.

Rizoma – Our work is federal and cooperative. While we shy away from fly-in, fly-out events and initiatives, we do not think the solution is a return to localism. Our response focuses on sustainable co-creation processes and partnerships that develop a rhizomatic network of permanent collaborations both locally and internationally. We empower our long-term partners with a say in the direction of Fondazione Studio Rizoma via a dedicated body, the Forum.

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IG: @studiorizoma

FB: /studiorizomapa

YouTube: @studiorizoma4365
Flickr: /197941464@N04/albums/ 




Via Mario Rutelli, 38

90143 Palermo (PA)

Cod. Fisc. 91344240378



Luca Pantorno

Simone Capano



Michele Margiotta


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