Room to Bloom is the node of the Studio Rizoma focusing on advancing ecofeminist and decolonial artistic practices. It aims at building a feminist narrative that is fully built on the experience and knowledge of emerging artists with a migration background.

Global reach

Curated by Ségolène Pruvot

Room to Bloom is a new transfeminist and ecofeminist platform that brings together emerging artists to examine and create ecological and postcolonial narratives for Europe and beyond. Room to Bloom recognizes that it is time to contribute to the activation of the peripheries and to navigate against patriarchalism, different types of oppression, exploitation and racism to open new spaces for experimentation and to lay the basis for new forms of actions in the art world.

Room to Bloom wants to apply the true lessons of different feminisms, providing an efficient support network to its artists while deconstructing the Western gaze and being fully conscious and aware of the many complexities brought by intersectionality.

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