OPEN CALL! Workshop and performance about the great promise of football and showbiz

Studio Rizoma invites young passionate dancers and footballers to a workshop with the two Coupé-Décalé stars Ordinateur and Annick Choco from Côte d’Ivoire. Together with choreographer Monika Gintersdorfer, they develop a performance about the great promise of football and showbizz.

The workshop begins on 12 June and takes place in the Spazio Area Madera in Piazza Magione every afternoon from 2 to 6.30 p.m. except Tuesdays and Thursdays, which will be from 11 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. 

It will conclude with a performance in the Cortile del Complesso Monumentale Santa Chiara on 29 and 30 June. 

It is necessary to be present at all meetings for the show to be successful.

Please send us an email with a photo and a few lines explaining why you would like to do the workshop by 17 May! to

The workshop is organised within the BETWEEN LAND AND SEA Festival to be held in Palermo from 16 June to 1 July 2023!