ONLINE EVENT: Cities 4 Refugees

This event is part of
Rhizome Cities
27 June 2023, 14:00—18:00

Our new project Cities for Refugees involves municipalities, activists, NGOs and other multipliers who are directly working to improve the situation for migrants arriving to Europe and within Europe. Focusing on the cooperation between municipalities from different countries and its local civil society group, the objectives of the initiative are increasing capacity-building for activists and cities through the dialogue around best practice examples in different fields of migration and cooperation.

Combining public moments and workshop sessions, the first online event of the project will bring together European cities representatives, and members of active civil society initiatives from all over Europe that are already working and advocating to open up opportunities for practical, open-minded solutions which place human rights at the center of the future migration politics.

If you wish to participate in the first public event and be updated on the programme, save the date 27 June, 2023 and register in this form below:



14.00 – 16.15: PANEL DISCUSSIONS

14.00 – 15.00 (1h): Opening Panel – Cities4Refugees: Cooperation for a Welcoming Europe

The objectives of this panel are: i) give a framework of discussion around the project C4R and its objectives together with partners and allies ii) presenting existing and past best practices of city and civil society cooperation in the field of migration.


  1. Jurica Gregurić – Department for the Promotion of Human Rights and Civil Society Sector for intercity and international cooperation and civil society in the City of Zagreb
  2. Birgit zur Nieden – Head of Unit „Participation in the Migration Society” of the Berlin Senate Department for Labour, Social Services, Gender Equality, Integration, Diversity and AntiDiscrimination
  3. Nikos Papakostas – Director of Inter Alia, civil society organization in Greece
  4. Christian Schmidt – Europe Must Act and FSTC representative

15.00 – 15.15 Short Break

15.15 – 16.15 (1h): PART 2 – How does cooperation between (inter)national / European city networks and civil society in the field of (forced) migration look like? Chances and challenges

The objectives of this panel are: i) input regarding the cooperation between national and European city networks and CSO by two city network and two CSO representatives


  1. Janne Grote –representing IASH Coordination Group
  2. Léa Enon-Baron – representing ANVITA
  3. Tiago da Cruz – representing FSTC
  4. Sofia Dagna – responsable Plaidoyer & Mobilisation UEE-Union des Étudiants Exilés

Moderator: Lisa Lorbeer (Senate Department for Labour, Social Services, Gender Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination in the City of Berlin)



Moderator: Lisa Lorbeer (Senate Department for Labour, Social Services, Gender Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination in the City of Berlin)

After the breakout session, all participants come back to the plenary session. Each moderator presents 3 key messages of their group. There will be the possibility for a short interaction between the panelists and participants with regard to the key messages.

17.50 – 18.00: CLOSING OF THE EVENT
Once this is finished, the host of the event closes the event and presents next steps for the project / audience.