Europe is more than a collection of nation-states and it needs a different story to engage with its future.
The European Pavilion is a new programme by the European Cultural Foundation developed in collaboration with partners from across Europe, such as Fondazione Studio Rizoma and others. 
This project is part of
Regarding Colonies

A space for experimentation and imagination

To imagine the Europe of tomorrow is not an easy task. It is neither a question of beginning from a blank page nor following a preconceived narrative. Rather, it is about adding footnotes and creating spaces for imagination.

The European Pavilion programme has as its ambition to facilitate a space that encourages experimentation and reflection on Europe. In collaboration with partners, it sets out to support a European network of arts and cultural organisations that, through artistic and educational projects, offers the opportunity to explore ideas for a future Europe. Together we want to question and visualise what Europe is and, above all, what it can become tomorrow. We want to tell stories, imagine, speculate. We want to question and debate. And what better place than a pavilion for such a venture? The pavilion, which has taken on many functions and forms throughout history, has the quality to remain open to new definitions and meanings – much like Europe itself.


The European Pavilion programme was developed throughout 2020, in conversation with art professionals and foundation representatives: read more about our first brainstorm meeting. It is implemented in collaboration with, and with the support of, key partners, including the Camargo Foundation, the Kultura Nova Foundation and Fondazione CRT. As part of our 2020 Culture of Solidarity fund, we also supported a number of organisations whose projects resonate with the vision and aspiration of the Pavilion. To build a European Pavilion is a complex endeavour. That is why, throughout 2020, ECF organised a series of conversations with personalities from the arts and culture, which are edited together as a series of podcasts.

The European Pavilion is a multi-annual program and hopes to welcome many new partners in the coming years.
If you are interested in joining this venture, please contact:

Lore Gablier:

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