Un Ecosistema Invisibile

This event is part of
Un Ecosistema Invisibile
20 avril 2024, 10:30
Aterraterra LAB Via Giacalone, 43

An Invisible Ecosystem: where the microbiota is found and how to defend it. Nutrition laboratory with Giuseppe Iacono, Founding Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Also speaking: Maria Rosalia Mangione and Rita Carrotta from the CNR, Institute of Biophysics of Palermo. Moringa Oleifera, the miracle tree: new perspectives for human health. Vincenzo Cannizzaro, producer of Moringa, will also be present; Adele is the scientific consultant for nutrition and lifestyle at the Amazon Centre; Selvatica Lab. by Leonor and Marco. The benefits of fermented foods; Matilde Argento. Yogurt according to the teachings of Master Aruna Nath Giri and two experts in food plants and biodiversity from Aterraterra Lab.

Reservations: 320 1169455 – 349 6479207.