C4R WEBINAR — Panel discussion: ‘Amplifying local voices, shaping CEAS implementation plans’

This event is part of
Rhizome Cities
27 juin 2024, 13:00

After years of negotiations, the European institutions have adopted the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, thereby sealing the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

But the reform, once translated into implementation, will hardly provide the improvement that those seeking protection in the EU and the cities welcoming them need. Aware of the potential shortcomings, cities and civil society are concerned about how the reform implementation will impact the local level.

We believe that cities’ expertise has to be incorporated into the crafting of European and national implementation plans.

City networks can play a pivotal role in achieving this. To address the resulting need for cooperation, the Berlin Governance Platform (representing the EU-funded project Cities4Refugees) and Eurocities are delighted to invite you to an insightful online panel exploring the role cities and city networks can play in light of the evolving CEAS-reform.